2025 COA Hong Kong - Macau Rally
Given that the available marina berths in Macau is limited, COA is planning to organise 3 Macau Rallies in 2025 for different batches of COA member boats so that more COA member boats can enjoy joining the traditional Hong Kong to Macau Rallies.
- Early Registration to Get your Ticket to the Rallies
- Pre-registration to the upcoming Macau Race is also overwhelming and overbooked;
- Due to limited berths in Macau, not every pre-registered boats could be guaranteed for having space in the race;
- Non-member boats can join the rallies; however, first priority will be given to COA member boat;
- You can contact admin@coahk.org for further details.
- Traditional Macau Race during the CNY Holiday Period
- Race to Macau on the first holiday day
- Lay day to enjoy staying in Macau on the second day
- Race back to Hong Kong on the third day
- Expect to experience North to North East wind and cold weather
- It will be held between end of June and first of July (HKSAR Day)
- Race to Macau on the first holiday day
- Lay day to enjoy staying in Macau on the second day
- Race back to Hong Kong on the third day
- Expect to experience South West Wind and hot / warm weather
- To be held right after the National Day Holiday Period
- Race to Macau on the first holiday day
- Lay day to enjoy staying in Macau on the second day
- Race back to Hong Kong on the third day
- Expect to experience East or North East Wind in cool weather