Traffic Separation Scheme
Traffic Separation Scheme
The purpose of providing Principal Fairways and Traffic Separation Schemes is to improve the safety of navigation in areas where traffic density is high or traffic movement is restricted. There are 10 Principal Fairways and 2 Traffic Separation Schemes in the waters of Hong Kong.
Principal Fairways
Eastern Fairway
Hung Hom Fairway
Central Fairway
Yau Ma Tei Fairway
Northern Fairway
North Green Island Fairway
Southern Fairway
Western Fairway
Ma Wan Fairway
Kap Shui Mun Fairway
Traffic Separation Schemes
Tathong Channel Traffic Separation Scheme
East Lamma Channel Traffic Separation Scheme
Vessels using a Principal Fairway or Traffic Separation Scheme
shall abide by the following rules and regulations.
Particular attention shall be drawn to the following items:
When Using Principal Fairway
Always observe International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (Colregs) and remember NO special right of way for a vessel proceeding along a PF
Keep to the outer limit of the fairway which lies on the starboard side of your vessel
Sound the appropriate signals as required by Colregs regarding overtaking situations
Cross a fairway at right angle
Anchor within the fairway limits
Engage in fishing within the fairway limits
Impede the passage of a large vessel
When Using Traffic Separation Scheme
Always observe Colregs
Proceed in the appropriate lane in the direction of traffic flow for that lane
Keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation zone
Join or leave a traffic lane at its end where possible
When joining or leaving a traffic lane from either side, do so at as small an angle as possible to the general direction of traffic flow
Cross the traffic lanes at right angles
Navigate with particular caution in areas where traffic lanes terminate or where there is a precautionary area
Anchor in Traffic Separation Scheme at or near its termination
Enter a separation zone or cross a separation line except in case of emergency or to avoid immediate danger
Impede the safe passage of a large vessel following the traffic lane Vessels Not Using Principal Fairway or Traffic Separation Scheme shall avoid it by as wide a margin as is practicable